A freshly cut tree will be made available to each club, school, society, organisation, charity and business
who wish to decorate and light a tree. Invitations to take part will be dispatched in September to those who have taken part during the last three years. If you have not decorated a tree in that time and you wish to take part this year, please use the CONTACT page to provide us with your EMAIL contact details.
We provide the trees and stands; you provide the decorations, which may reflect a theme or your organisation. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to publicise your group’s activities.
Be creative! If the decorations are homemade so much the better. You will be provided with a convenient power point to connect your tree lights. LED lights are recommended but, please, no battery-driven sets; they invariably run out of juice! No wax candles either, please. Your tree should be decorated on the Thursday before the Festival starts between 9am and 4pm. Most people take at least an hour to decorate their tree.
You will be asked to contribute towards our costs and, at the end of the Festival, the tree (but not the stand) will become yours to take away. If you are able to increase your donation we will be delighted – thank you.